CFANZ: Our National Body

We are a part of a network of Community Foundations that have been growing around Aotearoa New Zealand since 2003. But the concept of pooling and investing charitable donations for the good of a local area has been a growing global movement for over a hundred years now. It works for everyday people because you don't have to be wealthy to have an impact; all giving makes a difference through our smarter giving model. 

We love where we live. And we know there are lots of caring Kiwis just like us, passionate about transforming their communities. Thats why we're here. Through the coordination of the Community Foundations of Aotearoa New Zealand (our national body), we're all working to provide resources that will make a lasting difference in our local communities. Our aim is for every New Zealander to be able to affect lasting change wherever their home or heart may be. 

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