Paul Nicolson Trustee

Paul Nicolson

Paul is currently a director of Synergy Accountants in Whakatane, and lives at nearby Ohope Beach. He has three adult children and two delightful grandchildren. 

Paul's career began with achieving qualifications in accountancy, before being drawn to work in the NZ Stock Exchange. His client base extended internationally to include valued relationships in Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, USA and the UK. 

In 2007, Paul left this fast paced and exhausting life-style to semi-retire at his home in Ohope. After a significant break, he took on the role of business-client relationship manager with Fisher Quay in Whakatane, and led the company through significant change and re-establishment as a coherent, stable and well functioning entity. 

Paul is a Rotarian, has a keen interest in current affairs, enjoys golf, red wine and fast cars. His expertise is also applied pro-bono, to mentoring those new to the business world. 

Paul brings significant experience to the Board in the areas of investment and financial management, along with a sharp sense of humour and quick wit. 

Paul has been appointed to the Finance, Audit, Risk and Investment Committee of the Board. 


Contact Paul Nicolson

